The Penny in the Fish's Mouth is a Christian parable written by Robert Eisler. The book tells the story of a man named Peter who is a fisherman by trade. One day, he goes out to fish and catches a fish with a penny in its mouth. Peter is puzzled by this and wonders what it means...
""The Penny In The Fish's Mouth"" is a Christian parable written by Robert Eisler. The story follows a man named Simon who is a fisherman struggling to make ends meet. One day, Simon catches a fish with a penny in its mouth. This unexpected discovery leads Simon on a journey...
""The Penny in the Fish's Mouth"" is a Christian parable written by Robert Eisler. The book tells the story of a young boy named Tim who is struggling to find meaning and purpose in his life. One day, Tim meets an old fisherman who tells him the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000...