The Redwall series is soon to be a Netflix original movie The search for the pearls is underway in the next installment of the beloved and bestselling Redwall series. The Tears of All Oceans are missing. Six magnificent rose-colored pearls, which inspire passion and greed in...
New York Times bestselling author Brian Jacques gives us another tale of Redwall, filled with "The Knights of the Round Table with paws" ( The Sunday Times) along with their friends and enemies. Known as the Tears of All Oceans, six magnificent rose-colored pearls that inspire...
On the Isle of Sampetra, Emperor Ubla, better known as Mad Eyes, sends his lizard army on a mission to capture Redwall. Meanwhile the inhabitants of Redwall are on a mission of their own--to solve the six fiendishly difficult riddles that will lead them to the rose-colored gems,...
The ninth book in the beloved, bestselling Redwall saga - soon to be a major Netflix movie
School Library Journal says that Brian Jacques has the true fantasy writer's ability to create a wholly new and believable world. And the bestselling author of the Redwall series now proves it once again with his new bestseller about a magnificent set of rose-colored pearls--and...