Despite all of our modern conveniences and technical advances, we are living at a time where many of us struggle to find a deeper meaning to our existence. With so many opinions and ideas being presented to us daily, it has become difficult to decipher what is even true anymore. Many of us have been led away from thinking rationally about the world we live in or positively about our own selves. Instead, we are under a constant influence to fear for our lives, fear for our health, and fear the world around us. If we are not enjoying our lives-if we are not living life with passion-if we do not have a sense of purpose or the ability to find meaning in our lives, then we are not living our own truth-we are not living authentically. It's time to wake up and learn how to see life through a higher conscious perspective. Tapping into higher consciousness gives us the ability to access truthful wisdom, gain the courage to be authentic, live life with passion and exist in a state of healthy wellbeing. If you want to discover how to tap into your own higher conscious awareness, The Path to Higher Consciousness: Creating and Healing Our Lives by Awakening to Our Greater Reality by David Howard, PhD is the guide to help you get started.
Some of the topics that will form a foundation to help you awaken to a greater and more truthful reality include: Recognizing how we are being mentally entrained into focusing on fear and judgement which keeps us from being able to connect to higher consciousness.The importance of letting go of fearful thinking and using our minds as a powerful tool for manifesting what we want in our lives.How our thoughts and feelings affect our physical health.How to strengthen our Souls connection through mindfulness and meditation. Discovering we are always connected to our Spirit and we are able to work with universal energies and the Spiritual Source from which we come at any given moment in our lives.How to receive divine insight, inspiration and the sense of wellbeing that comes from developing our connection to higher consciousness.
The exercises found within the book will help you to discover: What is holding you back from living the life you want to live.Ways to balance and uplift your energy.Tools for self-reflection and also how to manifest what it is you are wanting in life. Methods for meditation and mindfulness to help calm your mind and find inner peace.Inspiration to create positive beliefs about yourself and the world around you. How to receive divine wisdom, creative ideas and a sense of wellbeing that can come to us from connecting to higher consciousness.
"When we begin taking the time to question our perceptions and discover what is important in our lives, we can begin to perceive and experience our lives in a way that is beneficial to our own wellbeing and those around us. We are powerful in our own right and we have the power to control what exists in our lives--seen and unseen."Dr. David Howard, The Path to Higher Consciousness
Get this book today and begin living a life of truthful knowing