Since World War II and especially since the election of Pope John XXIII in 1958, the papacy--the oldest of all Western institutions--has attracted steadily growing interest from non-Christians as well as Christians.
Written for people of every religious allegiance and none,...
This fascinating dictionary gives concise accounts of every officially recognized pope in history, from St Peter to Pope Benedict XVI, as well as all of their irregularly elected rivals, the so-called antipopes. Each pope and antipope's entry covers his family and social background...
This biographical dictionary is an unrivalled source of information about the astonishing succession of churchmen who have loomed large on the world scene for almost 2,000 years.
The Dictionary contains concise accounts not only of all the officially recognized popes from...
This acclaimed papal Who's Who presents biographical accounts in chronological order of all the officially recognized popes from St. Peter to Pope Benedict XVI, with a new and expanded entry on Pope John Paul II. Providing a continuous history of the papacy, it also includes...