Exploring past lives, communicating with the departed, meeting spirit guides. . . . According to Dr. Joe Slate, accessing the spirit realm is not only possible, it's beneficial for our present lives and future spiritual evolution. Past-life knowledge can offer direction and balance, explain fears and compulsions, build self worth, and promote acceptance of others. This introduction to reincarnation examines the mind/body/spirit connection and the...
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HistoryThis is a great book! I found it's content to be informative and accurate. Being a teacher of meditation and visualization techniques, I see how this book was well researched and carefully organized so as to ensure the reader benefits from its intended message and opportunity. Indeed this book covers the needed territory to gain insight and value from knowing something about your previous incarnations and how you are living...
I have studied reincarnation for several decades and used a variety of tools to attain past life information, so the subject of this book is not new to me. However, I think this book would offer something both to the novice on the subject of reincarnation as well as the veteran on the subject. For the novice it provides adequate background, great experiences to draw the subject into your own life, practical advice to find...
[now called International Parapsychology Research Institute] does exist, as I've been a member for years [not finding something on the Internet doesn't preclude its existence, as stated by a previous reviewer]. Dr. Slate's book is an excellent primer for anyone just starting to research reincarnation for themselves. There are many books on reincarnation out there, but there may not be many that are as readable, informative,...
This is Dr. Joe Slate's most personable and accessible work ever. The accounts and experiences he uses to illustrate the value of researching our past lives are thought provoking and demonstrate the ability we all have within to heal and empower ourselves. His approach is different from other reincarnation studies, in that he advocates self-hypnosis to prevent the high cost of hypnotists and regressionists and also bias on...
After Having read Dr. Slate's book on Aura Energy for Health a few years ago, I decided to check out his latest book on Reincarnation. The book has alot of information and many good stories depicting some of his personal experences with the paranormal as a child growing up in rural Alabama. I also found the writings on Past Life Regression while hypnotized some what appealing if you dig these sort of topics. I hope others...