The Old Dolphin is a novel written by Mrs. George Cupples and published in 1885. The story is set in Scotland and revolves around the life of a retired sailor named Captain John Dolphin. He lives in a small village with his daughter, Mary, and his granddaughter, also named Mary...
The Old Dolphin is a novel written by Mrs. George Cupples and was first published in 1885. The story is set in a small Scottish fishing village and revolves around the life of a retired sea captain named Andrew Craigie, who is affectionately known as ""The Old Dolphin"" by the...
The Old Dolphin is a novel written by Mrs. George Cupples and published in 1885. The story revolves around the life of a retired sailor named Captain John Dolphin who lives in a small coastal village in Scotland. The protagonist is a kind and generous man who is loved by everyone...