Shipwrecked on a remote island in the Dutch East Indies, Captain Aubrey, surgeon and secret intelligence agent Stephen Maturin, and the crew of the Diane fashion a schooner from the wreck. A vicious attack by Malay pirates is repulsed, but the makeshift vessel burns, and they...
In command now of a new ship, the Nutmeg , Aubrey pursues his interrupted mission. The dreadful penal colony in New South Wales, harrowingly described, is the backdrop to a diplomatic crisis provoked by Maturin's Irish temper, and to a near-fatal encounter with the wildlife of...
In command now of a new ship, the Nutmeg , Aubrey pursues his interrupted mission. The dreadful penal colony in New South Wales, harrowingly described, is the backdrop to a diplomatic crisis provoked by Maturin's Irish temper, and to a near-fatal encounter with the wildlife of...
Fiel a su esp ritu de reproducir los entresijos de la historia, O'Brian logr en esta obra una de sus novelas m s arrebatadoras. Si al final de "Trece salvas de honor", los tripulantes de la "Diane" hab an logrado arribar a una isla desierta al naufragar la embarcaci n, en esta...