This debut work lays bare the early brilliance and philosophical conflicts of Andr Gide, a towering figure in French literature. Andr Gide, one of the masters of French literature, captures the essence of the philosophical Romantic in this profoundly personal first novel, completed...
This debut work lays bare the early brilliance and philosophical conflicts of Andr Gide, a towering figure in French literature. Andr Gide, one of the masters of French literature, captures the essence of the philosophical Romantic in this profoundly personal first...
20 po mes composent le premier livre d'Andr Gide, crit vingt et un an pour persuader sa cousine Madeleine Rondeaux de l' pouser (ce qu'elle refusa d'abord) Les Cahiers d'Andr Walter. OEuvre posthume. Plus tard, Gide se montrera critique: Ce n'est pas tr s volontiers que...