I really enjoyed reading this book. Even if I don't agree with everything, it's an extremely usefull book to read.
A few years ago I bought the first edition of this book. It had a meaningful classification of the suggested best practices and each of them was presented in a consistent way e.g. Title, Example, Benefits, and Challenges. As the technology evolved (and the links mentioned were not there anymore), I bought this second edition expecting an update in the available tools to support the best practices and probably one or two chapters...
1. I do not follow every practice in this book.2. Only some of those I don't follow do I think I should follow.3. All of the practices strike me as at least arguable.It does what it sets out to do. I believe that it will help the reader use PL/SQL more effectively. In the next edition, I'd like to see a section on unit testing, using the utPLSQL system that Feuerstein is managing the development of.
I found this book to be an excellent (re-)introduction to good programming practices in PL/SQL. After reading the first few pages a little defensively ("I don't make those sorts of mistakes do I?") I soon realised that there was much to learn in this book as well as much that I had forgotten. This book has lead to an instant improvement in the quality of my PL/SQL code. I particularly like the Quick Reference card in the...
I have been an avid reader of Steven's books ever since I started learning PL/SQL as part of my career in Oracle. Without a doubt he is an authority on this proprietary language from Oracle and has a vast repository of code that he can proudly claim his own. This book is ideal for those who have experience working with applications built on Oracle. You may have encountered situations in which you probably chose an approach...
Last month, in a survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of ThriftBooks, 2,000 romance novel lovers shared their thoughts and opinions about the genre and their favorite characters. Read on to see what we learned about Romance vs. Real Life.
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Our choice of Valentine’s Day entertainment might have a lot to do with our age, relationship status, or history with romance. Here are some of our fave films for all kinds of audiences, from families and friends to singles and couples, plus some for the Valentine's Day haters.