On a small island, far from the Admiral Rock, hundreds of turtle eggs are getting ready to hatch. But Thomasina, Ravi, and Minerva find out something terrible: a suspicious man has come to town, and he's looking to steal the eggs! The three friends set sail for the island on...
On a small island, far from the Admiral Rock, hundreds of turtle eggs are getting ready to hatch. But Thomasina, Ravi, and Minerva find out something terrible: a suspicious man has come to town, and he's looking to steal the eggs The three friends set sail for the island on a...
On a small island, far from the Admiral Rock, hundreds of turtle eggs are getting ready to hatch. But Thomasina, Ravi, and Minerva find out something terrible: a suspicious man has come to town, and he's looking to steal the eggs! The three friends set sail for the island on...