Al-Ghazali's classic commentary upon the Quranic verse of lights is translated with authentic excellence by William Henry Temple Gairdner.
A revered Islamic philosopher, theologian and astronomer of the 11th century, Al-Ghazali's commentaries upon religious topics are celebrated along with his more scientific works. The mystical nature of the Verse of Light fascinated scholars of Islam, its passages are considered many-faceted in meaning, its beauty and evocative imagery an example of the rich literary prowess present in the Holy Qur'an.
The first half of this book contains an extensive scholarly analysis of Al-Ghazali, his life, writings and ideas on a variety of pertinent topics. Through these informed essays we are immersed in the culture of Medieval-era Islamic society, and prepared for the translation of the Mishkat which follows. Gairdner's guidance is poignant and well-written, allowing the curious reader to appreciate the symbolism that underpins the philosophy of Islamic thinkers. Scholars of the era considered the Qur'an as a guiding light upon matters of science and learning as well as religious observance, and such concepts are voiced in studies like the Mishkat.