The New Werther is a novel written by the German author Loki, originally published in 1880. The book tells the story of a young man named Heinrich, who is deeply unhappy with his life and finds solace in the writings of the famous literary character, Werther.Heinrich becomes...
The New Werther is a novel written by the German author Loki, originally published in 1880. The book is a modern retelling of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's classic novel The Sorrows of Young Werther, which was first published in 1774.The story follows the protagonist, Karl, a...
The New Werther is a novel written by Loki and published in 1880. The book is a retelling of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's famous novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther. The story follows a young man named Werther who falls in love with a woman named Lotte, who is already engaged...