Understand the dynamics of all different types of teams
The book Beyond Team Building: How to build high-performing teams and a culture to support them represents the latest in thinking about creating effective teams. The authors a new "Five C" framework that focuses on the core aspects of team building. The book helps the reader assess how his/her team is performing on each of the 5Cs--context, composition, competencies, change, and collaborative leadership and discusses options concerning how to improve team performance along each of these dimensions. The book includes:
- A wealth of examples of effective (and ineffective) teams from such companies as Cisco Systems, Bain & Company and Amazon
- New material concerning how to develop effective entrepreneurial and family teams
- How to manage cross-cultural, virtual, and alliance teams
-How to create a "team building organization"
This book provides the next generation of team leaders, team members, and team consultants with the knowledge and skills they need to create effective and high-functioning teams.