The New Immortality by J.W. Dunne is a thought-provoking book that explores the concept of life after death and the possibility of immortality. The author, a renowned philosopher and scientist, draws on his extensive research and personal experiences to present a compelling argument...
The New Immortality by J.W. Dunne is a philosophical exploration of the concept of immortality. The author argues that traditional ideas of immortality, such as an afterlife or reincarnation, are outdated and that a new form of immortality is emerging in the modern world. This...
The New Immortality by J.W. Dunne is a philosophical exploration of the concept of immortality. Dunne argues that traditional notions of immortality, such as an afterlife or the preservation of the soul, are insufficient and outdated. Instead, he proposes a new vision of immortality...
The New Immortality is a philosophical book written by J.W. Dunne, exploring the concept of immortality and its potential existence in the modern world. The author delves into the idea of immortality beyond the physical realm, discussing the possibility of consciousness and the...
""The New Immortality"" is a book written by J.W. Dunne and is available in a large print edition. The book explores the concept of immortality and the possibility of an afterlife. Dunne delves into the realms of science, philosophy, and spirituality to examine the idea of life...