This ongoing series introduces our country's history to young readers in an appealing picture-book format. Clear, simple texts combine with informative, accurate illustrations to help young people develop an understanding of America's past and present. The New Americans is the...
When the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth in 1620, much of America remained a vast wilderness. Within sixty years of their arrival, America's first cities were thriving seaports, the first college was founded, public education had begun, books were printed, coins minted, and postal...
When the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth in 1620, much of America remained a vast wilderness. Within sixty years of their arrival, America's first cities were thriving seaports, the first college was founded, public education had begun, books were printed, coins minted, and postal...
This ongoing series introduces our country's history to young readers in an appealing picture-book format. Clear, simple texts combine with informative, accurate illustrations to help young people develop an understanding of America's past and present. The New Americans...