I got this book for my 8 year old son. The graphics are beautiful and the story is thorough in its telling of the American story, perhaps too thorough for his age group. My son is still learning the details of what happened to form this country on a grand scale. He wasn't quite ready for the details that are included in this book. Other children who already have a good grasp on American history would be ready for more details,...
Maestro covers the period of Colonialization in an inclusive manner. I feel that she did an excellent job of including multiple perspectives of all people involved in the colonization period. Native Americans and their interaction with European settlers are highlighted on most every page of the book. The colorful pictures and maps help to guide the reader to a better understanding of the period. Like the other two Maestro...
I came across one book by Betsy Maestro "The Discovery of the Americas" and I loved it. The text is simple and the illustrations are great. It is historically accurate as well, a must in my checklist. I didn't realize she also wrote the historical series "You Wouldn't Want to..." They are my favorite!! I recommend all of her books, especially for teachers.This is a great book to read for the 4th of July!