The Byrne family has ruled the North Side of Chicago for three generations. They have the crime game down to a science. But when the ailing mob boss's youngest son James is brutally attacked in distant San Diego, it catches everyone off guard.
Eldest son Tommy, now head of the family and fixated on turning their interests into legitimate businesses, sends envoys to investigate, as well as middle son Enzo, to seek retribution. His mother and father's consigliore, however, in wanting to return to the old ways, use the attack to trigger a power struggle that consumes the family and leaves its legacy up for grabs. Meanwhile, a nosy reporter and persistent detective also look for answers and find themselves caught up in a deadly family squabble.
Filled with intrigue, suspense, and betrayal, The Name of the Game is a compelling thriller that will grab you by the shirt collar and won't let go until the last page. The tension builds along with the body count as the mobsters turn their attention away from business and toward each other. Family, it turns out, isn't as important as it seems.