The pieces are in place. The curtain rises for the final act. God is about to die. An unprecedented conspiracy of injustice, cruelty, and religious and political interests sentenced a man guilty of no crimes to the most barbaric method of execution ever devised. The...
To many, the story of Christ's crucifixion has become so familiar that it has lost its ability to shock, outrage or stir any great emotion. In The Murder of Jesus, John MacArthur presents this pivotal moment in the life of Jesus in a way that forces readers to witness this event...
El asesinato de Jes s es una mirada al pecado del hombre y la bondad de Dios. John MacArthur presenta el sacrificio de Cristo de una manera que obliga al lector a contemplar el acontecimiento en todo su poder. La pasi n de Cristo se examina cronol gicamente a trav s del lente...
To many, the story of Christ's crucifixion has become so familiar that it has lost its ability to shock, outrage or stir any great emotion. In The Murder of Jesus, John MacArthur presents this pivotal moment in the life of Jesus in a way that forces readers to witness this event...
El asesinato de Jes?s es una mirada al pecado del hombre y la bondad de Dios. John MacArthur presenta el sacrificio de Cristo de una manera que obliga al lector a contemplar el acontecimiento en todo su poder.
The story of Christ's crucifixion has become so familiar that it has lost its ability to shock, outrage or stir any emotion. Popular pastor and author, John MacArthur presents this pivotal moment in the life of Jesus in a way that forces viewers to witness this event in all its...
The story of Christ's crucifixion has become so familiar that it has lost its ability to shock, outrage or stir any emotion. Popular pastor and author, John MacArthur presents this pivotal moment in the life of Jesus in a way that forces viewers to witness this event in all its...