The Move to Canada Bible looks at 48+ different cities and towns across the country, from climate to diversity. There is a comprehensive chapter on the available pathways to residency, but this is not a 'do it yourself' move to Canada book. The services of a qualified professional are highly recommended as it is a complex and multi-layered process.
This book will help you understand the Canadian vibe and how you can fit in. And help you decide which part of the country you want to live in. Living in Halifax is nothing like living in Toronto. Living in Winnipeg is nothing like living in Qu bec City. And living in Taber, Alberta is nothing like living in Vancouver.
Our constitution promises us Peace, Order, and Good Government. As a result, living in Canada is not like living in some other countries. We value cultural diversity and gender diversity - and we acknowledge and respect the indigenous nations who were here when we arrived on their shores. We're not that into guns (in fact, our laws are quite prohibitive). And if you need medical care, you'll get it. All good reasons to make Canada your home.About Beverley Wood: A confirmed wanderer, Beverley Wood has returned home to Canada twice, importing her vehicles, pets and stuff. She's also lived in various spots around the country and makes no bones about her own personal Shangri-La. There's no place like home, and she considers Canada the best place in the world to live, to raise a family, and to grow old.
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