The harrowing title tale from this collection recounts the experiences of an African-American coachman who becomes horribly disfigured after rescuing his employer's son from a fire. A study of race and tolerance as well as the challenges posed by deformity, this major work by...
The Monster and Other Stories is a short story collection written by Stephen Crane. The Monster tells the story of an African-American coachman who becomes disfigured after saving his boss' son from a fire. The story is notable for its exploration of prejudice and fear and is...
The Monster is an 1898 novella by American author Stephen Crane (1871-1900). The story takes place in the small, fictional town of Whilomville, New York. An African-American coachman named Henry Johnson, who is employed by the town's physician, Dr. Trescott, becomes horribly...
The Monster and Other Stories (1899) is a collection of short fiction by American writer Stephen Crane. "The Monster," a novella, was originally published in 1898 in Harper's Magazine and has since been recognized as one of Crane's most important works, a story...
The story takes place in the small, fictional town of Whilomville, New York. An African-American coachman named Henry Johnson, who is employed by the town's physician, Dr. Trescott, becomes horribly disfigured after he saves Trescott's son from a fire. When...
The story takes place in the small, fictional town of Whilomville, New York. An African-American coachman named Henry Johnson, who is employed by the town's physician, Dr. Trescott, becomes horribly disfigured after he saves Trescott's son from a fire. When Henry is branded a...
After being admonished by his father, Dr. Ned Trescott, for damaging a peony while playing in his family's yard, young Jimmie Trescott visits his family's coachman, Henry Johnson. Henry, who is described as "a very handsome negro", "known to be a light, a weight, and an eminence...
The Monster and Other Stories (1899) is a collection of short fiction by American writer Stephen Crane. "The Monster," a novella, was originally published in 1898 in Harper's Magazine and has since been recognized as one of Crane's most important works, a story...
Reproduktion des Originals: The Monster and Other Stories von Stephen Crane
Reproduktion des Originals: The Monster and Other Stories von Stephen Crane
After being admonished by his father, Dr. Ned Trescott, for damaging a peony while playing in his family's yard, young Jimmie Trescott visits his family's coachman, Henry Johnson. Henry, who is described as "a very handsome negro", "known to be a light, a weight, and an eminence...
A collection of three short novellas by the famous writer Stephen Crane, 'The Monster and Other Stories' was first published in the year 1899. These stories are written for children and has elements of ghosts, monsters and horror.
A collection of three short novellas by the famous writer Stephen Crane, 'The Monster and Other Stories' was first published in the year 1899. These stories are written for children and has elements of ghosts, monsters and horror.
Little Jim was, for the time, engine Number 36, and he was making the run between Syracuse and Rochester. He was fourteen minutes behind time, and the throttle was wide open. In consequence, when he swung around the curve at the flower-bed, a wheel of his cart destroyed a peony...
After being admonished by his father, Dr. Ned Trescott, for damaging a peony while playing in his family's yard, young Jimmie Trescott visits his family's coachman, Henry Johnson. Henry, who is described as "a very handsome negro", "known to be a light, a weight, and an eminence...
Abbotsford and Sir Walter Scott is a book written by George King Matthews and first published in 1854. The book is a comprehensive account of the life and work of Sir Walter Scott, one of the most celebrated writers in Scottish literary history. It focuses on Scott's home, Abbotsford,...