A high-speed, high-stakes thriller from Ken Follett, the grand master of international action and suspense. A fabulous "lost masterpiece" becomes the ultimate prize--for an art historian whose ambition consumes everyone around her, an angry young painter with a...
Todas las intrigas y corrupciones del mundo del arte, con sus notables implicaciones econ micas, desfilan por estas p ginas escritas con la habitual maestr a de Ken Follett. Dee, una joven historiadora del arte, descubre la posible existencia de un raro cuadro de...
A high-speed, high-stakes thriller from Ken Follett, the grand master of international action and suspense. Look out for Ken's newest book, A Column of Fire , available now. A fabulous "lost masterpiece" becomes the ultimate prize--for an art historian whose ambition consumes...
A fabulous "lost masterpiece" becomes the ultimate prize for an art historian whose ambition consumes everyone around her, an angry young painter with a plan for revenge on the art establishment, and a desperate gallery owner who may have double-crossed his own life away...
A fabulous "lost masterpiece" becomes the ultimate prize for an art historian whose ambition consumes everyone around her, an angry young painter with a plan for revenge on the art establishment, and a desperate gallery owner who may have double-crossed his own life away...