This book is a great guide to those who approach the coral reef aquarium and are specially interested in knowing why things happen such a way. Try to read it and you'll get delighted for sure.Finally, I should mention it's full of magnificient photos, both from aquariums and nature.
This was an excellent book, which was so easy to read and understand.Even if you never thought about owning a saltwater aquarium , this book will make you start one. It has alot of detail, discusses alot of equipment and how to use it.It discusses every aspect of the hobby and it should be one of the first books on your bookshelf if you have a saltwater aquarium. It not only talks about setting up the aquarium, but it also...
I have read both of these book series (vol 1 and 2), and both are "the benchmark" books. You can't get bad data from either, but I think the D & S books (especially volume 2) are are a little disorganized, a little more "wanna be" marine biology journal articles (very stiff prose for a hobby book), and just a little less useful content. IMHO. :-) (please no flame wars).Then again; I am an engineer and appreciate straight...
I don't agree with Connor at all. The pair of Nilsen & Fosse books are easily on par with the Delbeek & Sprung books. I would not want to be without any of them: The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium volumes 1 & 2 contain more specific and technical information for the advanced aquarist, while The Reef Aquarium Volumes 1 & 2 are more directed toward animal husbandry. Terry Siegel, Senior Editor and founder of Aquarium Frontiers...
This book is an excellent guide to reef tank organisms and their upkeep. I bought this book after buying Delbeek & Sprung's and feel it is equal in quality. It goes into detail in areas such as water chemistry, algae, and ecosystems providing insight into valuable areas not covered in as much detail in D & S's book. A must have for serious reef aquarists.