"Bruno Salvador, known to friends and enemies alike as Salvo, is the ever-innocent twenty-nine-year-old orphaned love child of a Catholic Irish missionary and a Congolese woman. Educated first at a mission school in the East Congolese province of Kivu and later at a discreet...
Full of politics, heart, and the sort of suspense that nobody in the world does better, The Mission Song turns John Le Carre's laser eye for the complexity of the modern world on turmoil and conspiracy in Africa. Abandoned by both his Irish father and Congolese...
Full of politics, heart, and the sort of suspense that nobody in the world does better, The Mission Song turns John Le Carre's laser eye for the complexity of the modern world on turmoil and conspiracy in Africa. Abandoned by both his Irish father and Congolese mother, Bruno...
La canci?n de los misioneros es una cr?tica feroz a un mundo corrupto en el que la lealtad se puede comprar y la guerra es una oportunidad para saldar viejas cuentas. Bruno Salvador, Salvo para los amigos y enemigos, es el hijo de un misionero cat?lico irland?s...
Abandoned by both his Irish father and Congolese mother, Bruno Salvador has long looked for someone to guide his life. He has found it in Mr. Anderson of British Intelligence.Bruno's African upbringing, and fluency in numerous African languages, has made him a top interpreter...
Book by Le Carre, John
Full of politics, heart, and the sort of suspense that nobody in the world does better, The Mission Song turns John Le Carre's laser eye for the complexity of the modern world on turmoil and conspiracy in Africa. Abandoned by both his Irish father and Congolese...
Full of politics, heart, and the sort of suspense that nobody in the world does better, The Mission Song turns John Le Carre's laser eye for the complexity of the modern world on turmoil and conspiracy in Africa. Abandoned by both his Irish father and Congolese...