When five year-old Oliver Hughes disappears while on holiday in France, it sets off a nearly decade-long search for his whereabouts. "The Missing," a STARZ Limited Series, is a dramatic thriller that takes you inside the mind of a father, Tony (played by James Nesbitt of The...
When five year-old Oliver Hughes disappears while on holiday in France, it sets off a nearly decade-long search for his whereabouts. "The Missing," a STARZ Limited Series, is a dramatic thriller that takes you inside the mind of a father, Tony (played by James Nesbitt of The...
A daughter must team up with her estranged father when her daughter is kidnapped by an Apache shaman. Having spent many years with the Apache, the estranged father is able to track the shaman and his lost granddaughter.
A daughter must team up with her estranged father when her daughter is kidnapped by an Apache shaman. Having spent many years with the Apache, the estranged father is able to track the shaman and his lost granddaughter.