The Misfortunes of Elphin is a novel written by Thomas Love Peacock and published in 1829. The story is set in a fictional kingdom in medieval Wales and follows the misadventures of Prince Elphin, the son of King Gwythno, as he navigates the treacherous waters of court politics,...
Thomas Love Peacock (1785-1866) was an English satirist and author. Peacock was a close friend of Percy Bysshe Shelley and they influenced each other (TM)s work. He wrote satirical novels, each with the same basic setting - characters at a table discussing and criticizing...
The Misfortunes of Elphin is a novel written by Thomas Love Peacock and published in 1829. The story is set in medieval Wales and follows the misfortunes of Prince Elphin, the son of King Maelgon, who is forced to flee his kingdom after his father is overthrown by a rival king...
As outspoken in his day as Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens are today, American freethinker and author ROBERT GREEN INGERSOLL (1833-1899) was a notorious radical whose uncompromising views on religion and slavery (they were bad, in his opinion), women's suffrage (a good...
"Comic genius of the highest order." --C.H. Herford, 1899 The Misfortunes of Elphin (1829), by Thomas Love Peacock, is a historical romance and satire, set in 6th century Wales, about the adventures of the bard Talies, the princes Elphin and Seithenyn, and King Arthur...
Delve into the world of Welsh mythology with this enchanting and otherworldly romantic fairy tale by Thomas Love Peacock. Set in the mythical land of Wales and featuring a colorful cast of characters, including Prince Elphin, his beautiful bride Princess Melangell, and their...
Delve into the world of Welsh mythology with this enchanting and otherworldly romantic fairy tale by Thomas Love Peacock. Set in the mythical land of Wales and featuring a colorful cast of characters, including Prince Elphin, his beautiful bride Princess Melangell, and their...