""The Miseries of Human Life"" is a satirical novel written by James Beresford and published in 1807. The book is divided into two volumes, with the second volume titled ""Or The Last Groans of Timothy Testy and Samuel Sensitive, with a Few Supplementary Sighs from Mrs. Testy.""...
The Miseries of Human Life Volume 2, written by James Beresford and published in 1807, is a satirical work that explores the various woes and misfortunes that plague humanity. The book is presented as a collection of the last groans and sighs of three characters: Timothy Testy,...
""The Miseries of Human Life V2"" is a satirical novel written by James Beresford in 1807. The book is a collection of humorous anecdotes and observations about the misfortunes and trials of everyday life, as experienced by the characters of Timothy Testy, Samuel Sensitive, and...