The village of Buckleigh faces its darkest hour yet when an ancient mirror is unearthed from the grave of a suspected witch-a figure locals believe to be the malevolent entity haunting their homes. The mirror is claimed by the local doctor, who takes it into his house, only to find his world upended when his wife mysteriously vanishes.
Desperate for answers, the doctor turns to Penny Lane, the village psychic. As Penny investigates, she uncovers a chilling truth: the doctor's wife is trapped inside the mirror, held captive by a curse cast by the witch 400 years ago. The witch has returned to ensure the curse is fulfilled, and the village is once again in grave danger.
With time running out, Penny must unravel the ancient curse and find a way to free the doctor's wife from her spectral prison. Will she succeed in breaking the witch's dark hold over the village, or will Buckleigh succumb to the curse's sinister legacy? Join Penny in this spellbinding tale where the past and present collide in a battle against ancient malevolence.