""The Mirror of Countries or The Travels of Sidi Ali Reis"" is a book written by Charles F. Horne. The book follows the travels of Sidi Ali Reis, an Ottoman admiral and explorer, as he journeys through various countries in the 16th century. The book is structured as a series...
The Mirror of Countries or The Travels of Sidi Ali Reis is a book written by Charles F. Horne. It is a fascinating travelogue that chronicles the adventures of Sidi Ali Reis, a 16th-century Ottoman admiral who traveled extensively throughout the Mediterranean and beyond. The...
The Mirror of Countries or The Travels of Sidi Ali Reis is a book written by Charles F. Horne. It is a travelogue that chronicles the adventures and experiences of Sidi Ali Reis, a 16th-century Ottoman admiral and explorer. The book is divided into two parts, the first of which...