"A master thriller and a remarkable portrait of a twisted character." --Time For Arthur Rowe, the trip to the charity f te was a joyful step back into adolescence, a chance to forget the nightmare of the Blitz and the aching guilt of having mercifully...
For Arthur Rowe, the trip to the charity fete was a joyful step back into adolescence, a chance to forget the nightmare of the blitzand the aching guilt of having mercifully murdered his sick wife. He was surviving alone, aside from the war, until he happened to guess both the...
In London during the Blitz, an amnesiac must outwit a twisted Nazi plot in this "master thriller" of espionage, murder, and deception (Time). On a peaceful Sunday afternoon, Arthur Rowe comes upon a charity fete in the gardens of a Cambridgeshire vicarage where...
For Arthur Rowe, the trip to the charity fete was a joyful step back into adolescence, a chance to forget the nightmare of the blitzand the aching guilt of having mercifully murdered his sick wife. He was surviving alone, aside from the war, until he happened to guess both the...