The Mill on the Floss, written by the renowned Victorian author George Eliot, is a timeless tale of love, family, and social conflict. Set in the early 19th century, the novel follows the Tulliver siblings, Tom and Maggie, as they grow up in the small, idyllic town of St. Ogg's, shaped by the mill owned by their father. As they mature, their lives become intertwined with themes of morality, class, and self-identity, leading to tragic and poignant consequences.
Eliot explores the complexities of human nature and the tensions between individual desires and societal expectations. The novel delves into the inner lives of its characters, particularly the passionate and headstrong Maggie, whose pursuit of intellectual freedom and personal happiness leads her to make difficult and controversial choices. Her relationships with family, friends, and lovers reveal the struggles between the heart and mind, between duty and self-expression.
This illustrated edition brings the world of The Mill on the Floss to life with beautiful illustrations, a comprehensive summary of the story, an insightful biography of George Eliot, and a detailed list of characters. Perfect for those new to Eliot's work or long-time fans, this edition offers a rich, immersive reading experience that highlights the novel's enduring relevance and emotional depth.