The Mercer Boys' Mystery Case, has been considered important throughout human history. In an effort to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to secure its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for both current and future generations. This...
The Mercer Boys' Mystery Case is a thrilling adventure novel written by Wyckoff and Capwell. The story revolves around three brothers, Terry, John, and Tommy Mercer, who are on a summer vacation at their uncle's farm. One day, they stumble upon a mystery involving a stolen car,...
When Cadets Don and Jim Mercer and their friend Terry Mackson were ordered by Colonel Morrell of Woodcrest Military Academy to gather together all the school trophies, they were able to find all except one-the cup awarded to the Class of 1933. What had happened to the cup was...
The Mercer Boys' Mystery Case is a thrilling novel written by Wyckoff Capwell. The story revolves around the Mercer brothers, Terry, Ted, and John, who are on a summer vacation in the countryside. They stumble upon a mysterious case involving a missing heirloom and a gang of...
The Mercer Boys' Mystery Case is a thrilling mystery novel written by Wyckoff and Capwell. The story revolves around three brothers, Randy, Terry, and John Mercer, who are on summer vacation from their boarding school. They decide to spend their vacation at their uncle's ranch...
When Cadets Don and Jim Mercer and their friend Terry Mackson were ordered by Colonel Morrell of Woodcrest Military Academy to gather together all the school trophies, they were able to find all except one-the cup awarded to the Class of 1933. What had happened to the cup...