Do you feel driven to share what you've gone through and the insights you've learned in life? Do you long to tell your story but don't know where to start?
The Memoir Workbook will show you, step by step, all you need to know to tell a powerful and well-written memoir.
With pen in hand, you'll mine your memories and begin to put them in a coherent order inside the pages of the workbook. Passages from memoirs and writing prompts will help you get your creative juices flowing.
Whether you want to publish your story or write it for yourself, this unique workbook will help you learn the most effective ways to convey your life experiences onto the page.
Inside, you'll learn these essential aspects to memoir writing:
How to identify your unique story as well as the things that make your story universalThe many ways memoir can be structured, with examples to help you decide how to lay out your storyHow to determine a beginning and an ending pointWays to bring your story to life with sensory detailWhat "voice" is and why it's important to write from the "mature self"How to craft distilled dialogue that is engaging and sounds naturalHow to protect yourself and others when you write your memoirWhat theme is and why you need oneHow to pick an appropriate title for your memoirWriting a memoir is a journey of the heart. The Memoir Workbook is a light that guides you along the path, from start to finish.
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