The Mayor's Lamps is a satirical novel written by American author John Kendrick Bangs. The story revolves around a small town mayor named Rufus B. Peckham, who is obsessed with the idea of installing electric street lamps in his town. However, due to his lack of funds, he is...
The Mayor's Lamps is a humorous novel written by John Kendrick Bangs. The story revolves around the mayor of a small town who is known for his love of lamps. He has a vast collection of lamps that he displays in his office and throughout the town. However, when a new lamp arrives...
The Mayor's Lamps is a collection of humorous short stories by American author John Kendrick Bangs. The book was first published in 1904 and features a series of tales about the fictional town of Gotham, which is known for its eccentricities and absurdities. The stories center...