The Master Manager's Handbook is an interrupter of the traditional religious institutions and pastoral rule; it has forgone the norms of editorial grammatical edits. The messenger of truth is a core belief system that is simple, built, and rooted in faith.
Everything starts with a belief. Yet, we were born without a manual, but this handbook is an insightful guide filled with nuggets of inspiration and knowledge that addresses real-life situations in real-time.
It is a secret to the hidden things and interpretations of reality. It causes pause on the current understanding and questions your knowledge to the right path of your philosophy and ideologies, and it exploits the obvious.
It is considered a hundred-year work; it introduces mind fusion and creates enlightenment of higher intelligence's internal energy, accelerating change.
From the beginning of this book, the facts are compelling. It completes and fixes the voids and brings focus to the Trinity of man. It breaks down the flow of a living mindset and acts as a "Mind Traffic Flow System," delegating, deleting, and resetting the daily choices for life purposes.
The "Mind Traffic Flow Chart" enclosed inside the manual will show how the first and only "Mind Traffic Flow Chart" helps you instantly govern and manage your reactions to situations. It is not a Paradigm Shift, Manifest, The Secret, or Positive Mental Attitude; It is "Mind Fusion."