The Manchester Marriage is a novella written by Elizabeth Gaskell, first published in 1858. The story is set in the industrial town of Manchester in the mid-nineteenth century and explores the themes of love, marriage, and class conflict.The story follows the lives of two sisters,...
The Manchester Marriage is a novella by Elizabeth Gaskell, first published in 1858. The story revolves around the marriage of two people from different social classes in Manchester, England. The protagonist, a well-bred young woman named Mary Barton, falls in love with a working-class...
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell n e Stevenson (1810-1865), often referred to simply as Mrs. Gaskell, was an English novelist and short story writer during the Victorian era. She is perhaps best known for her biography of Charlotte Bront . Her novels offer a detailed portrait of the...
""The Manchester Marriage"" is a novella written by Elizabeth Gaskell, published in 1858. The story revolves around the marriage of a young couple, Mr. and Mrs. Openshaw, who come from different social classes. Mr. Openshaw is a wealthy businessman who is used to living a luxurious...
The Manchester Marriage is a novel written by Elizabeth Gaskell, a prominent Victorian-era author. The book tells the story of a young couple, Mr. and Mrs. Openshaw, who are struggling to make ends meet in Manchester, England. Despite their financial difficulties, they are deeply...