Dumas's quasi-sequel to "The Three Musketeers", featuring a plot to overthrow the tyrannical king of France with his secret twin brother Classics Illustrated tells this wonderful tale in colourful comic strip form, offering an excellent introduction for younger readers...
Deep inside the dreaded Bastille, a twenty-three-year-old prisoner called merely "Philippe" has languished for eight long, dark years. He does not know his real name or what crime he is supposed to have committed. But Aramis, one of the original Three Musketeers, has bribed his...
Deep inside the dreaded Bastille, a twenty-three-year-old prisoner called merely "Philippe" has languished for eight long, dark years. He does not know his real name or what crime he is supposed to have committed. But Aramis, one of the original Three Musketeers, has bribed his...