""The Making of Zimri Bunker"" is a historical novel written by William Joseph Long and published in 1899. The story takes place in Nantucket during the early days of the island's settlement. It follows the life of Zimri Bunker, a young man who grows up in a small, isolated community...
The Making of Zimri Bunker: A Story of Nantucket in the Early Days is a historical novel by William Joseph Long, published in 1899. The story is set in the early days of Nantucket, an island off the coast of Massachusetts, and follows the life of a young boy named Zimri Bunker.Zimri...
Excerpt from The Making of Zimri Bunker: A Story of Nantucket in the Early Days Westward, through a gap in the hills, the harbor waters could be seen broken into white capped ridges. Beyond, lay the rambling Old town itself, gray as the sea beside which it had stood so...