In The Making of Americans, Gertrude Stein sets out to tell a history of a family's progress, radically reworking the traditional family saga novel to encompass her vision of personality and psychological relationships. As the history progresses over three generations, Stein...
In The Making of Americans, Gertrude Stein sets out to tell "a history of a family's progress," radically reworking the traditional family saga novel to encompass her vision of personality and psychological relationships. As the history progresses over three generations,...
Release Date: Sep 30, 2025
The Making of Americans is not really a novel, as Gertrude Stein's narrator says-"not just an ordinary kind of novel with a plot and conversations to amuse you"-but an attempt at a thorough and exacting distillation of the essential properties of peoples' behavior. Through...
The Making of Americans, by Gertrude Stein. In one volume with page and line numbers matching the Dalkey edition. For ready reference with The Notebooks of Gertrude Stein by Leon Katz
The Making of Americans: Being a History of a Family's Progress is a modernist novel by Gertrude Stein. The novel traces the genealogy, history, and psychological development of members of the fictional Hersland and Dehning families. Stein also includes frequent...
"Essential for all literature collections . . . Several of Stein's titles returned to print in 1995, but none more important than The Making of Americans."-Library Journal