The fifth installment of the popular Lemonade War series Siblings Jessie and Evan Treski have waged a lemonade war, sought justice in a class trial, unmasked a bell thief, and stood at opposite ends over the right to keep secrets. Now they are creating a magic show--a...
The fifth installment of the popular Lemonade War series Siblings Jessie and Evan Treski have waged a lemonade war, sought justice in a class trial, unmasked a bell thief, and stood at opposite ends over the right to keep secrets. Now they are creating a magic show--a...
A magic show, card tricks, and a disappearing rabbit named Professor Hoffman--the Treski kids are at it again as they try to put on a show in the face of an approaching hurricane. But nothing prepares them for what blows into town next: their long-lo