A thrilling, hilarious fully-illustrated spy adventure series, from the esteemed New York Times bestselling and multi-award-winning author Mac Barnett A New York Times bestsellerAn Amazon Best Book of 2018Before Mac Barnett was an author,...
See below for English description. Les joyaux de la Couronne ont t d rob s, et il n'y a qu'une personne sur la plan te qui puisse aider la reine d'Angleterre: son nouvel agent secret, Mac B. Il voyage travers le monde entier la recherche du tr sor vol .....
The precious Crown Jewels have been stolen, and there's only one person who can help the Queen: her newest secret agent, Mac B. To help her, he must travel around the globe in search of the stolen treasure...but will he find it in time?From secret identities to Karate hijinks,...
The precious Crown Jewels have been stolen, and there's only one person who can help the Queen: her newest secret agent, Mac B. To help her, he must travel around the globe in search of the stolen treasure...but will he find it in time?From secret identities to Karate hijinks,...