The LSB is the Legacy Standard Bible, a brand new English Bible Translation. The LSB raises some controversial questions. This new version never calls God "Lord" in the Old Testament. The translators chose to use the Hebrew name of God. The name they chose was Yahweh. But, is God's Hebrew name Yahweh or Jehovah, as the King James Version says. The translators also chose to consistently call Christians and the Lord Jesus Christ "slaves," rather than "servants" as the KJV calls them. Which is right? What are the right translations? Yahweh? Jehovah? Slave? Servant? Does it really matter? So what if we call God by the wrong name? Does He care? Should you care? Are you a servant or are you a slave? These things are immensely important. God's name is to be praised, but what if we praise the wrong name? Are we really praising God or someone else? We had better know for sure. The answer to these questions can make a big difference in our worship and our service.