In this "shocker from [a] horror maestro," a grieving family's inheritance stirs the past and brings out the dead (Publishers Weekly). After the sudden death of their youngest child, Josh, Jenna and David Kellar need a fresh and healing new start. When Jenna...
In this "shocker from a] horror maestro," a grieving family's inheritance stirs the past and brings out the dead (Publishers Weekly). After the sudden death of their youngest child, Josh, Jenna and David Kellar need a fresh and healing new start. When Jenna is bequeathed...
Horror master Garton delivers his usual ironic and macabre touches as the dead, who are, in fact, pretty ugly, make life a hell for the living. Following a sequence of increasingly dire personal tragedies, culminating in the unexplained death of their four-year-old son, Josh,...