The Loudersons Next Door is a mission driven children's book that teaches the benefits of thoughtfulness, consideration, and collaboration. Our mission - Create fun, engaging books and donate half of net proceeds to a charity for children. Our mission is continuous.
The story begins...
Welcome to 121 Peaceful Pastures Lane in the town of Kindville. This is the home of young Elizabeth, who lives with her parents and cat, Madame Fluffy Paws. Living next door are the Loudersons. The Loudersons Next Door are fun neighbors! They're busy Neighbors! They're also, well....LOUD neighbors!
The Loudersons often forget to be thoughtful of others, but not to worry! Elizabeth is kind and creative and helps the Loudersons with some great ideas on how to be better neighbors.
The Loudersons Next Door introduces early readers (ages 4-7) to the concept of short stories that are filled with colorful imagery and memorable characters.