Reaching from the wonders of ancient Greece to a harrowing quest in modern-day Europe, this thriller features Jonathon Payne and D.J. Jones, former members of a top secret unit of the armed forces. Payne and Jones must race to recover a lost treasure that could rewrite history...
The fourth Payne and Jones thriller from New York Times bestselling author Chris Kuzneski. "A reader's delight from beginning to end. Tautly written, expertly told, smart, and exhilarating." -- New York Times bestselling author Steve Berry Carved into the towering cliffs of central...
Hewn into the towering cliffs of central Greece, the Met ora monasteries are all but inacessible. The Holy Trinity is the most isolated, its sacred brotherhood the guardians of a long-forgotten secret.
The fourth Payne and Jones thriller from New York Times bestselling author Chris Kuzneski. "A reader's delight from beginning to end. Tautly written, expertly told, smart, and exhilarating."--New York Times bestselling author Steve Berry Carved...
The fourth Payne and Jones thriller from New York Times bestselling author Chris Kuzneski. "A reader's delight from beginning to end. Tautly written, expertly told, smart, and exhilarating."--New York Times bestselling author Steve Berry Carved...