Oh, no Pablo has homework due but the computer conked out It's grandma's old typewriter to the rescue in this read-aloud picture book.
Pablo Pressman has homework to do, and Pablo will do almost anything to avoid doing his homework. But when his computer breaks down, he is desperate. His mother takes him up to the attic to discover her mother's old typewriter. "A what-writer?" asks Pablo, mystified. When his mother shows him how to strike the keys just so, and the words start to appear on paper, Pablo is delighted. And imagine his triumph when he presents his homework at school, amazing his teacher and all his friends with the story of the mechanical marvel that saved the day. Kirkus said, "A lovely, full-circle kind of story, related in bouncy writing characterized by gently percussive onomatopoeia, with expressive, appropriately retro illustrations...it's heartening to see via the illustrations that the story involves a multiracial family." A unique read-aloud about old tech but, more poignantly, about family.