A professional, middle-aged working mother, daughter, sister and wife, Agatha has more than enough on her plate caring for her husband, son, dying parents and staff at work. She is bored & frustrated in her corporate job, in which she feels exploited, repressed and undermined. Her creativity and flair for life have been dulled. She's flabby, stressed, unhappy and desperate for a different life.
Her world collapses as she experiences redundancy, divorce, emergency surgery, debt & homelessness. But her catastrophes liberate the repressed wild in this woman, set loose vivid sensations, offer her unrestrained freedom to seek adventures and unleash her bravery to leap outside of her comfort-zone. Her avid curiosity and willingness to experiment with middle-aged life lead her to break conventional rules and create a new life which she has craved.
For eight exciting years, she learns to live as a nomad, amongst many different cultures, and in remote parts of the world. She experiments with love, romance and relationships. She exceeds mainstream dreams of her physical capacity. She dreams her own future.