So much information packed into this book. I am looking forward to my first cleanse.
It got lost when I moved. I will purchase another one, it was awesome.
All I can say is that this really works! I actually am looking forward to my second cleanse. I feel great and have more energy. My Gallbladder pain has dissappeared. You owe this to yourself to try, you won't be dissappointed! Everything he said would happen did, and I was dubious at first.
I bought the book in January'08. I read and re-read it several times, was a little concerned: would I do it right, would it work? Finally on May 23rd I did the first one with good results. The second one was June 20th with excellent results. The epsom salts is nasty, the oil and juice isn't bad at all. I recommend it to anyone. I used to have a dull ache on my right side that is now gone. I'm on the fourth day of juice now...
This is one of the most awakening books I have ever read. Andreas explains bodily functions is plain simple English. He explains medicines short comings such as their inability to detect gall stones and how they tell you there is a problem only after a blood test indicates liver damage due to the number of stones getting far out of control. He gives great insight for understanding your body lowering your dependency on your...