P.G. Wodehouse's classic tale of Ogden Ford, a wealthy and spoiled young boy whose wealth makes him a tempting target (a prime "little nugget") for kidnappers. Peter Burns emerges as the unlikely hero of this comic romance as he becomes master of Ogden's school.
The "Little Nugget" of the title is one Ogden Ford, a spoiled, unpleasant child of overindulgent, wealthy parents; he is so dubbed due to his immense ransom value, being a prime target for kidnappers. This is a comic romance, whose hero, Peter Burns, leaves behind a comfortable...
""The Little Nugget"" is a comedic novel by P.G. Wodehouse, first published in 1913. The story revolves around the misadventures of Ogden Ford, a wealthy and mischievous child who becomes the target of various schemes aimed at securing his inheritance. As Ogden's antics create...
"The Little Nugget" is a novel written by the renowned British author P. G. Wodehouse. First published in 1913, this novel is one of Wodehouse's earlier works and showcases his wit and humour. The story follows the adventures of Ogden Ford, a young and wealthy American...
'Good gracious! Kidnapping Ogden seems to be as popular as football.... I don't suppose there's a child in America who has had to be so carefully guarded. Why, the kidnappers had a special name for him-they called him "The Little Nugget"The "Little Nugget" is one Ogden Ford,...
The Little Nugget is one of the novels in which Wodehouse found his feet, a light comic thriller set in an English prep school for the children of the nobility and gentry. Into their midst comes eleven-year-old Ogden Ford, the mouthy, overweight, chain-smoking son of an American...
The Little Nugget is one of the novels in which Wodehouse found his feet, a light comic thriller set in an English prep school for the children of the nobility and gentry. Into their midst comes eleven-year-old Ogden Ford, the mouthy, overweight, chain-smoking son of an American...