In the depths of the South Sea, where legends dwell, a tale of defiance and desire begins to unfold. "The Little Kraken" is not your typical sea yarn but a story that entwines the fates of an adventurous Viking prince and creatures born from the waters' depths. Two seek freedom in a world that chains them to destinies unchosen, while it entraps another who merely wishes to avert cataclysmic disaster.
When Eskel returns to his homeland after a long journey, he finds it nearly abandoned, and one remaining soul tells a harrowing tale of his father as well as others lost to a terror upon the South Sea. His thirst for adventure evolves into a crusade for answers.
Born of ancient lineage, Scylla dreams not of being claimed or the embrace of a land-dwelling prince but of exploring the boundless horizons beyond her father's shallow reef kingdom. Her spirit refuses to be tamed by the expectations of her kind as she is tempted by the allure of the waters outside of her realm.
Meanwhile, Devero, a figure from the darkest depths of the sea, emerges as two kingdoms teeter on the brink of chaos. Scylla finds herself at the heart of this conflict with an uncle who commits the ultimate sacrifice to bring peace and stability back to their warm waters, only to find his actions might have been committed too late.
The Little Kraken is a story that challenges the limits of morality, responsibility, and the unyielding power of fate.