Eight-year-old Richard lives in the Castle of Bayeux where he is cared for by Lady Astrida, Eric, the baron of Centeville, and Osmond, her Grandson. When news comes that his father has been murdered during a peace conference Richard become the Duke. Taken hostage by...
An inspiring story of Richard the Fearless (943-996) who became Duke of Normandy at the age of 8. Relates the perils of his childhood, both at home in Normandy and during his captivity at the court of France, and how at long last he came to embrace the values his father espoused...
Historical fiction based on the life of Richard I, Duke of Normandy also known as Richard the Fearless. Richard assumes the title of Duke at only 8 years of age after his father, Duke William is murdered. The story follows Richard's childhood both at home in Normandy and during...
Richard the Fearless, the great grandfather of William the Conqueror, became Duke of Normandy at just 8 years old, after the assassination of his father. The Little Duke tells the heroic tales of his trials at home in Normandy and at the court in France where he was a prisoner...
Complete and unabridged edition.
Eight-year-old Richard lives in the Castle of Bayeux where he is cared for by Lady Astrida, Eric, the baron of Centeville, and Osmond, her Grandson. When news comes that his father has been murdered during a peace conference Richard become the Duke. Taken hostage by a rival king...
A classic work of historical fiction for children, which tells the true tale of a 10th century 9 year-old who becomes Duke of Normandy after his father is cruelly assassinated.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...
Richard I (28 August 933 - 20 November 996), also known as Richard the Fearless (French, Richard Sans-Peur), was the Count of Rouen from 942 to 996. Dudo of Saint-Quentin, whom Richard commissioned to write the "De moribus et actis primorum Normanniae ducum" (Latin, "On the Customs...